by katelynborgschatz | Sep 1, 2020 | Uncategorized
Your personal finances are healthiest when they’re reviewed often. Here are 8 top priority items that you should be reviewing at least annually. Credit Reports By law, you are entitled to access your credit report from each of the three reporting bureaus (Experian,...
by katelynborgschatz | Sep 1, 2020 | Uncategorized
If you hear the word ‘budget’ and you think RESTRICTION, I’m here to change your mind! I mean, I love numbers and I think they’re exciting, but seriously, budgeting is planning, not restriction. Budgeting is not saying, “You can only spend $300 on groceries this...
by katelynborgschatz | Sep 1, 2020 | Uncategorized
Multi Level Marketing (MLM) companies have exploded in popularity, and rightfully so! Many individuals have been granted the flexibility of working from home and earning a steady stream of income promoting products that they personally love and enjoy. In exchange for...